22nd August: In the Gay Village in Rome, a man, fed up with a gay couple kissing, assaults them with a glass bottle and then tries to kill them with a knife. They are severely injured with one in hospital in a critical conditions. Initially the man gets reproached by the police, but not arrested. Then, after much pressures, he finally gets arrested.
25th August: The LGBT club Muccassassina in Rome is set on fire with petrol and completely damaged. Fortunately is was closed and nobody was inside during the fire.
26th August: Naples - a couple of gay man are assaulted and verbally abused by a group of men in the street of the city center.
1st September - Two petrol bombs explode in the Gay Street, in San Giovanni in Lateranom Rome. A man is injured.
The government continues to promote the legitimisation of the traditional heterosexual family . They still have not enacted any law to protect LGBT people and to recognize our rights. Italy needs laws and education policy to promote awareness, non-discrimination, inclusiveness.
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