29 Oct 2007

30th October is Women's No Pay Day

The Fawcett Society and UNISON are calling on the Government to take clear steps to tackle the gender pay gap. They want greater transparency around pay, reforms to outdated pay laws and for women to be entitled to take group actions so the burden is not on individual women to speak out. Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, said: “Two-thirds of UNISON members are women and we have campaigned long and hard to get equal pay. But, equal pay is not just a wish list of the trade unions; it is the law of the land. Thirty years on, the Equal Pay Act is still seen by many employers as a take-it-or-leave-it bit of legislation - this cannot go on. The law must be implemented robustly across the UK and the Government must do its bit to fund equal pay for the public services”.

Sign the on-line petition now to stop women being ripped off.

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